In less than 10 years, all cars in Norway are to be electric. This may very well happen, since 37% of sales are of electric cars and, taking into consideration the numerous benefits that buyers receive, it is strongly believed that the percentage can only go higher.
Currently, Norway has about 100.000 electric cars. It is believed that, by 2020, the number of electric cars would be four times larger than now. The most practical reason for owning an electric car is the 0% taxes for zero emission cars. For the time being, though, the idea of driving only low and zero emission cars seems difficult to achieve. Only 5% of the vehicles on the streets of Norway are electric, but a year ago, it was only 1%.
‘The overall signal from the majority of political parties is that it should always be economically beneficial to choose zero and low emission cars over high emission cars…The Norwegian Parliament have decided on a goal that all new cars sold by 2025 should be zero (electric or hydrogen) or low (plug-in hybrids) emission. This is a very ambitious but feasible goal with the right policy measures. The Parliament will reach this goal with a strengthened green tax system based on the polluter pays principle, not a ban.’, as explained by Elbil.
Norway is far from being the only state that is working on policies that will encourage people to choose zero and low emission cars over high emission cars (fossil fuels). A little while back, the same was promised by the Dutch authorities and similar policies are being implemented by Great Britain and Germany.
All things considered, the best incentive may come from the electric car manufacturers. By purchasing an electric car in Asia, buyers will be able to take care of the car insurance as well as maintenance costs at the same time. These benefits will be available for as long as the buyer is the actual owner of the vehicle, explains The Next Web.
‘We’ve been doing it quietly, but in Asia in particular where we started this, now the majority of Tesla cars are sold with an insurance product that is customized to Tesla, that takes into account not only the Autopilot safety features but also the maintenance costs of the car. It’s our vision in the future that we’ll be able to offer a single price for the car, maintenance, and insurance in a really compelling offering for the consumer. And we’re currently doing that today.’, as explained by Tesla VP of Global Investor Relations Jeff Evanson.